Link to previous Creative Commons Infographic

Objective of Creative Commons License Infographic

The diversity of multimedia includes the creation of various works and is distributed across a variety of different media platforms. Within the distribution of digital work comes the issue of copyright and illegal distribution of digital work. Helping combat the issue of copyright requires an understanding of creative commons licenses. The goal of my infographic will be to educate digital artists on how to protect their multimedia by applying creative commons licenses. With my infographic, I hope people will learn to safely protect their work through the implementation of different creative commons licenses and also understand how to redistribute digital work that they are also interested in.

Applying Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia

I decided to change specific elements of my Creative Commons (CC) infographic as my previous infographic design was too simple and lacked fundamental multimedia principles that would enable effective learning. To efficiently modify my infographic, I utilized the following principles from Mayer’s 12 design principles: coherence principle, signaling principle, and spatial contiguity. Applying these three principles will enhance my infographic and increase knowledge transfer.

Coherence Principle

The coherence principle states that humans learn best by removing distracting extraneous information (How to Use Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning [Examples Included], 2020). Looking at my previous infographic, I noticed that I had added icons next to headings which served no purpose. So to satisfy the coherence principle, I removed the extraneous material and adjusted the headings to align with each other for consistency within the infographic. My updated infographic is now consistent and visually appealing for learners to intake information.

Signaling Principle

The signalling principle states that humans learn best when the material is highlighted and shown precisely where the material is (How to Use Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning [Examples Included], 2020). In my previous infographic, I had an indicator next to the licenses measuring the restrictiveness of each license. To apply the signalling principle, I updated the indicator by highlighting the measurement with respective colours for both less restrictive and more restrictive. Additionally, I made the indicator bigger and bolder so that it’s more visible to learners. Applying the signalling principle will visually guide learners to point out significant information in my infographic.

Spatial Contiguity

The spatial contiguity principle states that humans learn best when relevant text and materials are close together in proximity (How to Use Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning [Examples Included], 2020). For my previous infographic, my headings were alternating sides, which can confuse the audience as it does not visually guide the learner to the information. To fix this, I decided to apply this principle and keep the headings aligned to keep the headings and information close. Keeping the headings and information close will facilitate learning as the out-of-place headings won’t distract the learner.

Applying Inclusive Design

Another major factor missing from my previous infographic was the presence of inclusive design. Inclusive design refers to building an adaptable one-size-fits-one learning experience for each learner (Chandrashekar, 2022). To apply inclusive design to my infographic, I made all fonts and headings easily visible. This included resizing my infographic to fit the adjusted font sizing. Lastly, I accompanied my infographic with a voice recording of the transcript for added accessibility. These upgrades will benefit learners and make it easier for them to learn about CC licenses.

Other Design Principles

To make my infographic more professional, I also decide to apply brand colours and fonts and design strategies from creative commons. The design adjustments made my final creative commons infographic more professional and accurate to the creative commons brand.

Link to Updated Creative Commons Infographic×-3500-px.pdf

Creative Commons Audio Playlist



Chandrashekar, S. (2022, November 3). What is Inclusive Design for Learning? D2L.

How to Use Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning [Examples Included]. (2020, July 24). Water Bear Learning.