Peer Review for Pod 6: Stress at Workplace and its Managing Techniques


When choosing for a topic to review, Pod 6’s subject matter caught my attention as is it is a very important factor in our daily lives. As a person who is currently employed, there are times where stress can occur and sometimes can even spill out onto other co-workers. Finding ways to limit stress is not only beneficial for the worker but also beneficial for other co-workers and can assist in creating a healthy working environment. Applying a course like this in the workplace would be incredibly helpful in reducing workplace tension and create healthy workplace relationships,


Throughout my peer review I ran into a lot of strengths of the interactive learning resource. I personally enjoyed reading up on the anecdotal examples from stress at work. This is a very strong example as it really exemplifies the common occurence of stress in the workplace. Additionally, I liked the rationale and how stress is not avoidable and can eventually happen. For the most part I enjoyed reading on the managing techniques and introduction to the topic. Below are the following strengths that I liked from Pod 6:

Interactive Activities

I really enjoyed the choice of actvities for this interactive learning resource. The journal like activity of reflecting on their owen journey is a great way to keep track of the learners journey. Additionally, the concept map is a great brainstorming activity to get the learners to think of specific stressors. The amount of self relflection from the activities really strengthens the interactivity of the learning resource.

Assessment Plan

The assessment plan of this resource was very progressive and personal, making the course feel like more of a self improvement course rather than a traditional course. Planning it this way is extremely effective as it focuses on improvement for the learner rather than expecting grades for completion.

Managing Techniques

The managing techniques for this resource were extremely well chosen. The power of optimistic self talk was is a very effective way in reducing stress. Additionally, exercising is also a beneficial factor that often can get dismissed when reducing stress, and adding it as a technique was a great touch.


The variety in resources for this interactive learning resource was very well chosen. Complimenting your research with scholarly resources made your resource very credible.

Areas for Improvement


As for the structure of the interactive learning resource, I was a little confused on the presentation for the resource. From what I gathered, the draft seems like it was the learning design blueprint. For something very interactive, I would suggest the use of an open resource to encourage discussions for students.

Learning Theory

I was unsure of what learning theory was being applied for this course when reading up on your rationale. Identifying which learning theory in your rationale will make it more specific for your audience.

Learning Context

There was some missing context on the audience for this interactive learning resource. I really couldn’t pinpoint the exact age or audience it was being presented to. Since you’re interactive resource is directed towards working people and working class, I would suggest choosing that type of audience.

Learning Outcomes

The essential questions were very well chosen. However, I think narrowing it down and making it more concise will help your group deliver the learning outcomes.


I think Pod 6 has chosen an excellent topic that is very relevant. The variety of content chosen has made an excellent draft. I am looking forward to the final product.

Link to Resource: POD 6’s Interactive Learning Resource Draft