Curation of EDCI content by Max Savellano

Week 1: Introduction to Interactive and Multimedia Learning

Cognitive Load Theory

Cognitive Load Theory refers to the amount of working memory applied in learning and storing new knowledge. Working memory can be used when playing games with required rules, such as soccer. Working memory is limited, and when it is overloaded, it reduces the amount of information for our long-term memory, which increases cognitive load. Applying the cognitive load theory requires reducing extraneous load, which leaves more room in working memory, making it easier to retain information. The process of applying Cognitive Load Theory requires coherence, signalling, redundancy, spatial contiguity, and temporal contiguity.

Principles of Multimedia Learning

The principles of multimedia learning are principles researched and compiled by Richard Mayer. Mayer’s principles are meant as a guide to structuring multimedia materials effectively to maximize learning (Davis, 2020). Mayer refers to the list of 12 principles of learning under the “cognitive theory of multimedia learning.” This theory is an effective instrument to facilitate productive teaching through multimedia resources. The cognitive theory of multimedia learning is formed by three assumptions: dual channel, limited capacity, and active processing. These three assumptions make up how the human mind processes information.

Assumptions about how the human mind works in multimedia learning.

The following video by Mike Tyler introduces the Multimedia Learning Principles in a short succinct video.

A short informative video on the explanation of the 12 principles.

Reflection Questions

  • I decided to take this course as an elective for my degree but also took the course to learn the positive effects of multimedia learning which I can apply in my studies and education. My goal this term is to learn new teaching and learning techniques that I will use in my future studies and career.
  • Below are examples of the types of Media
Interactive Media – examples include Video Games

Video games are a great example of interactive multimedia as it depends on user input to produce media output.

Multimedia – media that is used as a vehicle fo communication, eg. Television, Radio, Computer system

Basic forms of media such as Television and Radio communication are perfect examples of multimedia as it is a form of digital expression to let the user interact and commmunicate.

Interactive Multimedia – Social Media

Interactive multimedia allows users to control and manipulate multiple media types to integrate and create new mediums of media.

Although the following are categorized accordingly with examples for each type of Although the following are categorized accordingly with examples for each type of media, the categorization of the different modes of media can fall into similar categories. For example, social media is interactive and can combine multiple forms of media to make up interactive multimedia. However, social media can fall under interactive media if the content is not manipulated and created for other measures. The fine line for categorization is up to the user and how the user utilizes the given media source.

For me, I find interactive multimedia the most exciting and engaging as it combines different media concepts to create new media forms. Interactive applications are still relatively new, and the freedom to manipulate and create new media mediums can diversify the definition of interactive multimedia.


Davis, G. (2020, January 31). Principles of Multimedia Learning. Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services. Retrieved September 18, 2022, from


  1. mwattuvic

    Hi Max – Good observation about social media – it can be interactive and it can be passive – depending on how it’s being used. You mentioned that television and radio allow the user to ‘interact and communicate’. How do you see them facilitating that?

  2. jimbo

    Hi Max, great first post! I also decided to take this course as an elective for similar reasons. This is my first EDCI course and I’m enjoying it so far. I think that there will be aspects of this course that I will find useful as I work towards finishing my degree and that I can also apply after University. I specifically liked reading what you wrote about interactive multimedia. The video you attached is very informative and helps to reinforce the idea that this is all very relevant subject matter. I look forward to future posts!

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